Bridge rehabilitation of central and Bayshore viaducts.
Provide Construction Manager General Contractor (CMGC) services (Services) for the Mountain View Transit Center Grade Separation and Access Project (Project). The Agency, subject to Board of Directors' Approval, intends to... read more →
Middle Mile Broadband Project installing infrastructure for fiber optic cables and hubbs.
Middle Mile Broadband Project installing infrastructure for fiber optic cables and hubbs.
Project would begin at MST’s Marina Transit Exchange at Reservation Road and De Forest Road in the City of Marina (northern terminus), and end at Contra Costa Street in Sand... read more →
The Project improvements include implementing one or two ExpressLanes1 in each direction between I‐405 and I‐605. This Preliminary Drainage Report, in conjunction with the Draft Project Report evaluate two Build... read more →
The project is under construction and consists of Ninyo & Moore | East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Channel, Huntington Beach, California | 211893001 | April 15, 2022the installation of two rows of... read more →
Pump station, distribution box, 700' of 54" HDPE pipeline.
1. Installation of standpipes, valves, and fire cabinets in roadway 2. Installation of a new domestic water line in the plenum to supply potable water from the west portal to... read more →
Remove and replace the aging and nonoperational dissolved air floatation thickener (DAFT) Facilities with an efficient, reliable sludge thickener compatible with the plant’s processes.